2021 Q1 Avalanche blockchain support
2021 Q2 Decentralized NFT Backup Solution
Decentralized File/Folder/CID IPFS Pinning
Solana blockchain support and wallet integration
Polygon blockchain support
2021 Q3 Virtual Machines
Decentralized Indexing for Solana Ecosystem
2021 Q4 Forget feature (GDPR)
Computing Resource Nodes
Launch VM's with Aleph Messages
2022 Q1 Solana Lending Protocol Indexers
(In progress)
Metamask Encryption Integration
(In progress)
Load balancers on aleph.cloud
(In progress)
Solana Aggregator Indexer
(In progress)
Indexer Framework Release
(In progress)
Tezos integration
(In progress)
Monitoring Aleph VM Executors
(CPU used, duration, ...)
Storage Resource Nodes
Go-Live Decentralized Identity (DID) system
Secret Management in Virtual Machines
Incentive for the Resource Nodes (Hold Aleph)
2022 Q2 Service Payments (Pay-as-you-go)
Decentralised Load Balancer
Channel Sharding
2022 Q3-Q4 Launch VM's with a Transaction (SOL, ETH)
Reproducible Virtual Machines
Shared Volumes between VMs
IPFS on VM executors